Momentum Mastermind

For the Alcohol-Free Woman Ready to Break Through to Her Next Level of Expansion, Freedom & Potential

Take your Alcohol-Free Journey to the Next Level

Change Your Relationship
with Yourself

Elevate Your

Do any of these sound like you? You’re alcohol-free, but…

…your growth has hit a plateau. You want to reach a new level but don’t know where to start.

…you feel lonely and isolated. Your direct peer network doesn’t get it, and you crave support from other like-minded women.

…you’re feeling inspired and ready to pursue new opportunities. You need someone to encourage you to get past your own fears and limiting beliefs.

…you’re ready to live an even bigger life. You are craving deeper connection, more ease, and bigger expansion.

The Momentum Mastermind is for women who want to leverage their alcohol-free lifestyle as their competitive edge and superpower.

→ To create supportive and fulfilling friendships & romantic relationships

→ To cultivate a spiritual connection of your own understanding

→ To experience clarity and tap into your intuition

→ To have a professional advantage that cannot be matched

→ To have increased mental focus and resilience

→ To feel physically vibrant & energized

inside of this six-month intimate group coaching experience, we’ll dive deeper into your alcohol-free journey and help you break through to your best alcohol-free life.

LIVING YOUR BEST ALCOHOL-FREE LIFE isn’t just about abstaining from alcohol; it’s about TAPPING INTO ALL THE BENEFITS you gain from removing alcohol from your life.




The Momentum Mastermind is a six-month mastermind experience for ambitious, soulful, alcohol-free women who are ready to use their alcohol-free lifestyle as their greatest competitive advantage in life. Inside you’ll get access to exclusive resources, tools, and group coaching that will help you take full advantage of your alcohol-free lifestyle…and change your life.

Here’s how you’ll be supported indide of MOMENTUM

Quarterly Private Coaching Sessions with Amanda. Dive deep into your personal goals and challenges in your quarterly 1:1 private coaching sessions with Amanda.

Monthly Virtual Meetups & Group Coaching. We’ll gather as a group once a month for hot seat coaching and group lessons. Our group meetings will also include frequent visits from guest experts who will help you dive deeper into your alcohol-free journey.

An Inspiring Community of Like-Minde Women. Join other ambitious, alcohol-free women who are hungry for more. You’ll connect weekly via a private chat where you can share triumphs and troubleshoot struggles.

Meet yourcoach


A holistic life and spiritual coach, podcaster, speaker, and author.

After searching tirelessly for someone to support me through my alcohol-free journey and finding no programs or coaches that resonated with me, I decided to use my background in coaching and spirituality to guide other women like me through their own alcohol-free journey.

Since 2018, I’ve supported thousands of women through my free content, group programs, courses, and private coaching. As I’ve grown as a coach and leader, so too has the alcohol-free movement. This year, I’m called to support my community in a bigger, more expansive way which is why I’ve created the Momentum Mastermind! I want you to have a place where you can explore an alcohol-free lifestyle and the expression of your potential that is available when you choose to live a life that is no longer dulled by booze.

What’s Included in the
Momentum Mastermind?

Monthly live calls with Amanda (replays available)

An all-access pass to Amanda’s mini-courses & masterclasses

Weekly connection & coaching through our private group chat

Quarterly 1:1 Calls with Amanda

Guest lectures featuring subject matter experts & alcohol-free leaders

Bonus: Program discounts on Amanda’s courses and programs.

It’s time to take your alcohol-free transformation to the next level.



Quarterly 1:1 Call with Amanda

Monthly Group Coaching Calls (with replays)

All-access pass to masterclass library

Expert guest lectures

Private group Voxer channel

Exclusive program discounts

$2,200 $1,997


Quarterly 1:1 Call with Amanda

Monthly Group Coaching Calls (with replays)

All-access pass to masterclass library

Expert guest lectures

Private group Voxer channel

Exclusive program discounts

$375 / month (minimum 6 months)