My Journey to Finding Sobriety and True Fulfillment

In my late twenties and early thirties, I idolized the "Carrie Bradshaw" lifestyle (as portrayed in the popular TV show "Sex and the City"). I saw a successful young single woman with an active social life and believed that drinking alcohol was a key component of being sexy and fun. This led me to believe that having it all means living a life of partying and drinking.

However, upon closer inspection, Carrie Bradshaw’s life wasn't actually the best of both worlds. Her relationships were tumultuous and her friendships revolved around drinking and partying. This is when I started to question whether this lifestyle was really what I wanted for myself.

I was curious about living a more spiritual lifestyle, more life Gabby Bernstein, but I also wanted to hold onto my social life and drink less. But living in moderation, trying to balance both lifestyles, was incredibly challenging. It felt like I was leading a double life and it didn't feel congruent. It was then that I realized that the real secret to having it all wasn't this party girl lifestyle I had been sold, but it was about being in touch with my inner self.

So, I made the decision to live alcohol-free and I couldn't be happier. Choosing sobriety freed up a lot of mental space and allowed me to focus on what it truly means to live a life beyond my wildest dreams. Instead of partying, I was meditating, connecting with spirit, pursuing my purpose and career, and having deep and fulfilling relationships.

I invite you to imagine what it feels like to be truly happy, on purpose, and abundant. If you’re being honest with yourself, can you achieve that with alcohol in the picture, or does it dilute the possibility of living the life you truly desire? If the answer is even slightly yes, then it's time to take the leap and start living a life of true fulfillment and sobriety.

If you’re ready to truly have it all and allow yourself to explore the unlimited possibilities that life has to offer without the crutch of alcohol, I invite you to join me free, 5 day video series: Awakened without Alcohol where you’ll learn how breaking up with alcohol can help you break through to the aligned and grounded life you’ve been dreaming of.


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