When Should You Try To Moderate Alcohol?

Are you ready to redefine your relationship with alcohol and explore the path of moderation? In this episode, Amanda invites you to a conversation about when and if one should try to moderate their drinking. She discusses flawed logic patterns that come up in this scenario, such as treating alcohol like a diet or thinking it adds value to life. She introduces the concept of moderators and abstainers, explains why alcohol is essentially a poison, and encourages you to make it insignificant in your lives.

This enlightening episode encourages you to do the work and build your self-esteem and self-confidence to move on and call in things that weren't possible before - even if it feels uncomfortable!

[00:01 - 07:10] Opening Segment

• A common question - When should you try to moderate?

• Amanda's program is not about moderation but about making alcohol insignificant in your life

• The two flawed logic patterns that come up with moderating

• Moderators tend to do well with moderation, while abstainers do better with all or nothing

[07:11 - 14:02] How to Make the Change

• Alcohol is a poison that changes the chemistry of your brain and body

• Restricting something that is harmful to mind, body, and soul makes sense

• The analogy of a close friend dating someone who is not good for them

  • Why moderation should not be considered until alcohol has become insignificant

[14:03 - 20:36] Don't Let Alcohol Reopen Old Wounds

• Distance is needed for healing and growth

• Exercises to build self-esteem, spiritual connection, and intuition

• Getting enough space helps call in things that weren't possible before

[20:37 - 26:43] Closing Segment

• Why processing emotions is important

  • Persevere through uncomfortable situations to feel like a rockstar

Key Quotes:

"It is not time to consider moderation until alcohol has already become insignificant. If alcohol still has a significance, if there's still this little lust for it, then that's not the day."- Amanda Kuda

"If you do the math, alcohol doesn't add anything. Again, nutritionally, emotionally, and spiritually to your life. It's just a buffer." - Amanda Kuda

Learn more by connecting with Amanda through Instagram or visit AmandaKuda.com. 

It's time to unbottle your potential. Apply to work with Amanda.

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