Personal Growth, Sobriety Amanda Kuda Personal Growth, Sobriety Amanda Kuda

What Is Gray Area Drinking?

And Why Is It Such A Problem?

My teacher, Jolene Park (and notable expert on the topic) defines gray area drinking as “the space between the extremes of rock bottom and every-now-and-again drinking.” 

A few years ago, I found myself fumbling through the gray area, not quite sure why I was doing all-the-things, yet unable to get the results I wanted in my life. From the outside, it looked like I had it all together. I was an intelligent, successful, attractive, fit, high-achieving woman. I had a good job, car, know the story. But, on the inside, I was secretly questioning my relationship with alcohol. Maybe you’ve found yourself in the gray area any of these sound familiar?…

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Personal Growth, Sobriety Amanda Kuda Personal Growth, Sobriety Amanda Kuda

I Quit Drinking Even Though I'm Not An Alcoholic

Hi, my name is Amanda and I’m not an alcoholic. In fact, back in my drinking days, I was what you would have considered a run-of-the-mill social drinker. I drank just like everyone else in my social circle: a glass of wine with dinner here or there, happy hours, social events. But, as a single, thirty-something - the social events were plentiful. There’d be dinner and drinks with friends and a round of bar hopping on Friday night followed by brunch on Saturday to recover before being productive (or at least attempting to) for a few hours and going back out Saturday night.

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Sobriety, Personal Growth Amanda Kuda Sobriety, Personal Growth Amanda Kuda

How I Moved From "Gray Area Drinking" to "Spontaneously Sober"

…And Three Tough Questions I Had To Ask Myself

My name is Amanda. I’m a single, social, thirty-something living in Austin, TX. I’m also alcohol-free. I describe my journey as “spontaneous sobriety” because I didn’t identify as having a “drinking problem” (though, as you’ll read, that doesn’t mean my drinking wasn’t a problem).

A former social drinker (read: party girl), I’ve candidly discussed my alcohol-free lifestyle quite a bit over the last few years. What I haven’t shared in detail is how much I struggled as social or “gray area” drinker.

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