Amanda Kuda Amanda Kuda

My Transformational Journey - Synchronicity

Synchronicity is truly a beautiful thing. I first learned about the concept from Dr. Wayne Dyer and again from the wonderful Gabrielle Bernstein. Essentially, synchronicity is when life unfolds perfectly before your eyes. The beautiful thing about synchronicity is that you'll feel like you've barely had to lift a finger. Synchronicity simply requires you to be open to creative possibilities, to listen and to show up and do the work when it's time (let's be clear that you're not just idly coasting along!). Here is my beautiful story of synchronicity. 

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Transformation, Personal Growth Amanda Kuda Transformation, Personal Growth Amanda Kuda

My Transformational Journey - Listening

If you haven't read Part 1 of My Transformational Journey - The Beginning, take a moment to read it here to set the stage. 

At the age of 28, I found myself in a state of emotional distress: I was heartbroken after a breakup, confused about my purpose and relentlessly pouring myself into a job that was draining me. Though I had begun to explore a spiritual practice, my practice was coming from a place of desperation and lack. I was unable (or possibly unwilling) to fully surrender. 

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