The Universe Works Through People

Over the last couple of days, I've had a few of things happen which have caused me to be in states of comparison and jealousy (ego-led emotional states that feel particularly icky for me). Me ego taunted me with lines like “you should be working harder” or “you're not even relevant" or “who are you to [insert pursuit here]?”

It felt gross. So, I did what I always do (or try my best to do) when things feel gross: I sat, I felt it, I did some EFT, and I journaled. Finally, I prayed for a reminder that the Universe has my back.

A close girlfriend of mine invited me to attend a Somatic Breathwork even here in Austin yesterday (Sunday), which I eagerly agreed to, having an intuitive sense that it would be good to move some energy.

Breathwork events come in all shapes and sizes (I'll be leading one for you SOON, stay tuned), but this methodology is known for creating space for emotional release. I was ready for the room to feel intense, but I wasn't ready for the banshee-like screams that started happening only a few minutes into the session. Immediately, my ego started playing the track of nasty lines it had been feeding me for days. My experience - in comparison to these massive releases being had by my peers - felt small and insignificant. I toned down my breathing both out of frustration and defeat.

When the event ended, I was debriefing with my friend when a young woman named Anne approached me. Anne let me know she was sober since 2020 and followed me on IG - she wanted to say hello and thank you. Anne's words were a wink from the Universe that all my small-minded, gross, ego-thoughts from the week were untrue. In short, Anne was the answer to my prayer.

I want to remind you that when you feel overwhelmed with gross, icky, crunchy, judgmental, negative thoughts that there is a presence beyond your physical sight that is ready to redirect and support you. Of course, I still have work to do to process all those gross, ego thoughts, but Anne's words were the reminder I needed that all those thoughts are simply not true.

From this I hope you learned a couple of things:

  • We all spiral into insanity from time to time…the beauty is in how well you can train yourself to use your tools, ask for support, and get back on track.

  • The Universe is always bringing you signs, answering prayers, and sending you angels. Don't forget to ask for them when you need them most…and keep a constant eye out for them; they are always there. The Universe works through people…but also through animals and technology; you name it.

  • You have the power to make someone's day bright. Please, never hesitate to share with someone how they have impacted you…even if in ways that seem very small.


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