The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol

Can sobriety and spirituality work together to create a life where you feel genuinely supported? In this episode, Amanda points out how drinking might be affecting your spiritual development and shares how she realized she was disconnected from her spiritual source. She explains how she shifted her mindset around alcohol and how it helped her manifest new opportunities and situations that would be a better fit for her. Amanda breaks down the main spiritual consequences of alcohol and discloses why sobriety and spirituality work together wonderfully. Listen and enjoy!

Key Highlights:

[00:01 - 06:11] Opening Segment

• The spiritual consequences of alcohol on a personal growth journey

• How alcohol quiets the voice of the inner guide

It's more challenging to connect with your intuition [06:12 - 11:40] Alcohol & The Spiritual Consequences

• Alcohol amplifies the voice of the ego

• How alcohol dilutes your energetic gifts and makes you less powerful

Feeling sad, anxious, and depressed • Alcohol can lead to feelings of emptiness or a lack of a psychological condition

[11:41 - 17:18] Aligning with What You Want

• Why alcohol hinders manifestation and how it changes your energetic frequency.

A low-vibrational substance and pull you away from your high-vibrational manifestations • Alcohol opens leaks in your energetic and auric field

You open yourself up to collecting dark entities' energies [17:19 - 23:13] Closing Segment

• How sobriety and spirituality can work together

When alcohol is in the picture, it can dull spiritual connection and support

Resources Mentioned:

Medium Article: The Spiritual Effects of Alcohol

Stop Drinking, Start Manifesting 7-Week Course

Key Quotes:

"Anything that affects you energetically is going to affect your ability to connect metaphysically, um, and really tap into that spiritual connection of your own understanding that is available to you all the time." - Amanda Kuda

"Manifestation isn't about getting what you want, it's about aligning with what you want." - Amanda Kuda

Learn more by connecting with Amanda through Instagram or visit 

It's time to unbottle your potential. Apply to work with Amanda.

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