Finding Your Intuition in Sobriety w/ my Biz Bestie Courtney Peacock

How can rediscovering and embracing parts of oneself lead to personal growth? In this episode, host Amanda Kuda welcomes Courtney Peacock to discuss sobriety and personal growth. She shares her journey with alcohol, how she learned to cope without it, and the challenges of moderation. She highlights the benefits of sobriety and how it allows individuals to discover their true interests and have meaningful experiences without the need for alcohol. Courtney touches on the value of coaching and how astrology and tarot can be integrated to help clients cultivate self-trust and boundaries. Let's dive in!

Courtney Peacock is an intuitive coach and tarot reader that uses astrology & insight from the cards to guide her clients to deeper Self-trust, authenticity, and abundance. She loves her life sans booze: spends most of her time trail running, getting outdoors in the beautiful PNW with her friends, and creating art.

[00:01 - 07:41] Opening Segment

• How to find intuition through sobriety

• Courtney's journey to an alcohol-free lifestyle

  • The work hard, play hard mentality

• Why alcohol was a coping mechanism for Courtney

[07:42 - 14:48] Finding Joy and Coping Mechanisms Beyond Alcohol

• How Courtney struggled with alcohol addiction and tried to moderate their drinking

  • Obsessing over alcohol robbed them of enjoying experiences

• Coping mechanisms are necessary, but choosing the least harmful ones is important

• How childhood hobbies can be a source of joy and help in recovery

[14:49 - 22:01] Discovering My True Self Through Art and Sobriety

• Rediscovering art and self-discovery after quitting drinking

  • Not drinking allows for the ability to decipher what is truly fun

• Turning down alcohol does not impact the ability to have sophisticated experiences

• Alcohol is often just a prop for an experience, and being present is more important

[22:02 - 29:27] Embracing Your Spiritual and Intuitive Connection

• Rediscovering parts of yourself left behind is beautiful

  • Discovering new parts of yourself is a big opportunity

• How Courtney's spiritual connection and intuition were suppressed in childhood

• Sobriety, nervous system regulation, and spirituality are correlated

[29:28 - 36:36] Using Tarot and Grounding Techniques to Connect with Your Intuition

• Drinking can bring out a side of people that they don't feel comfortable expressing sober

  • It's more courageous and powerful to express your true self without alcohol

• Tarot can be used as a tool to calibrate intuition, not just for fortune-telling

• Trusting your intuition is vital, and it's different from instincts which are often fear-based

[36:37 - 43:43] Exploring the Power of Astrology and Tarot in Personal Development

• Why trusting intuition is a great guiding force

• How exploring astrology and tarot can be a spiritual practice

  • Astrology is a personal development and validation tool

• Using astrology and tarot in coaching can help cultivate self-trust and boundaries

[43:44 - 50:58] How to Enhance Personal Growth and Development

• Coaching with inflexible blueprints is not effective

• Why open-ended questions are recommended for tarot readings

  • Serendipities and signs can guide and support spiritual individuals

• Understanding one's innate makeup through astrology can lead to greater success

[50:59 - 58:16] Unlocking Your Highest Self and Relationship Potential

• Synergy readings focus on compatibility and ancient psychology

• Philosophy is growth-oriented, helping clients expand into their best selves

• Tarot reading emphasizes trusting inner knowing and seeking mentorship when needed

• Obstacle position in tarot reading suggests the need to reignite creativity and passion

[58:17 - 1:08:08] Closing Segment

• The importance of balance in giving and receiving for abundance

• Lay down your swords and relieve yourself from burdens

Want to connect with Courtney? Follow her on Instagram. Visit her website to own your magic!

Key Quotes:

"You don't need to have repercussions for being confident and unapologetic about who you are." - Courtney Peacock

"One of the most powerful things I think about not drinking is that you are able to decipher what's fun." - Courtney Peacock

"By being authentically myself, some people have fallen away from my life, but I've attracted people who fully see me and are curious about who I am and support me." Courtney Peacock

Learn more by connecting with Amanda through Instagram or visit 

It's time to unbottle your potential. Apply to work with Amanda.

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