How to Have Main Character Energy in Sobriety

Are you committed to being the main character in your own life? In this episode, Amanda explores the concept of "main character energy" and how making decisions from a place of inner wisdom and strength can empower you to create an authentic life full of boldness and beauty. By sharing her own stories and encouraging listeners to take risks that stretch their comfort zones, this conversation speaks to the power of embracing opportunities that can be scary but ultimately lead to great anecdotes and personal growth. Join us as we explore how the main character's energy can empower you to create a life where you are the hero of your own story!

[00:01 - 07:20] Opening Segment

• How to live under the philosophy of main character energy

• Imagining yourself in a theater as the star of your movie

• Amanda shares an example of not living in main character energy

• Wanting to be the center of attention but not knowing how to hold that energy

[07:21 - 14:38] From Housewife Energy to Main Character Energy

• How Amanda realized she was relying on outside validation for worth

• Working to cultivate a better version of yourself

• How you can change your energy from housewife to main character

• Create a bold and beautiful life that you can look back on with pride

[14:39 - 21:44] Experience a Miracle in Your Life

• You do not have to live out an ancient story that you have been repeating

• You can shift your perception in an instant

• True bravery and spontaneity are not found in a bottle

• Amanda's decisions that helped her shift her perspective

[21:45 - 34:59] Closing Segment

• Choosing your adventure

• Be committed to being the main character of your life

Key Quotes:

"We all have these places where we stay stuck, but you can shift that in an instant." - Amanda Kuda

"When you get to the bottom of the page to make those choices, I want you to start choosing your own adventure." - Amanda Kuda

Learn more by connecting with Amanda through Instagram or visit 

It's time to unbottle your potential. Apply to work with Amanda.

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Sobriety + Self Love